Stadiums Sector: Worldwide Overview and Europe’s Position

The first research paper is finally OUT! "Stadiums Sector: Worldwide Overview and Europe’s Position", by the EPSI Business Manager Edoardo Ciampelletti, MBA Topic: Detailed overview of the worldwide stadium construction boom, highlighting Europe's leading role, with a focus on Italy’s struggle for new Stadium projects and developments, plus the Greek case of "Peace and Friendship Stadium". Download the document for free: About the OBSERVATORY: The EPSI Observatory is an offshoot of EPSI that serves as a research library and monitoring tool, which will help you obtain data as the basis for an effective business strategy or research, as well as your sports project. Whether you are a sports professional, educational institution or entrepreneur, the EPSI Observatory provides you with valuable information and data to help you make informed decisions for your business and obtain valuable data for any project.

Stadiums Sector: Worldwide Overview and Europe’s Position
Stadiums Sector: Worldwide Overview and Europe’s Position

Stadiums Sector