The Future of Sport 2024: Seizing the Moment

Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Future of Sport, analysing how leaders across the sport industry are responding to key trends to anticipate change and outpace the competition.

The Future of Sport 2024: Seizing the Moment

In 2023, we identified six forces for change in sport: Evolving Global Market; Pace of Digital; Next Generation; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Health & Wellbeing and Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change.

Over the last 15 months, we have monitored the impact of these trends with a broad range of sport and entertainment leaders, through conversations with leaders across our client network, hosting industry roundtable events and gathering responses to our Future of Sport Survey, which was completed by more than 100 senior leaders across 20 countries and 27 sports.

Our analysis highlights that as investment continues to fuel innovation across the sports industry, leaders are focussed on blazing their own trail through attracting new investment, embedding digital capabilities, engaging the next generation of fan and instilling trust across their operations.

Download the full Future of Sport 2024 report here, scroll down for the key findings and get in touch if you’d like to discuss the implications for your business.

How will the future of sport impact your organisation?

Each force for change presents unique opportunities and risks to sports organisations, investors and governments around the world. For example:

  • For governments, the Evolving Global Market is presenting new opportunities to form partnerships with investors that will drive social benefits.
  • For investors, the Pace of Digital is providing new ways to create value post-transaction.
  • For sports organisations, the Next Generation is offering new to attract new audiences and extend the loyalty of fans.
  • And for all, Trust presents significant risks that hold the potential to corrode relationships across fanbases and instigate significant reputational damage.

Download the report for further analysis of how the key forces for change will impact sport in the years ahead, case studies of the organisations leading the way, and an exploration of the steps organisations can take now to seize the moment.

To discuss the implications for your business, or to take part in our future of sport roundtable discussions, get in touch with the team here.

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